- Instrumental Timbre -

By Baird


The myriad timbres of the world's instruments are the composer's inspiration. Therefore, the composer should cherish his instruments. One could say that there is a certain responsibility that comes with such inspiration. And yet, many composers neglect to study a wide variety of instruments. This is sadly related to musicians who never learn to read music.

Composition and performance are inextricably related, as illustrated by the rise of composition from the descriptive songs of bards in the past, and yet the separation of composers and performers is becoming more and more commonplace.

The composer and the performer should become one by understanding the instrument, which connects the two. Therefore, to help you better understand your instruments, I am writing this second instrument guide.

History of Instruments

String instruments, such as the lute and the harp, as well as percussion instruments existed even before the fall of the Partholons. Unlike today's instruments, those string instruments were based on a pentatonic scale. The heptatonic scale that we use today consists of 7 notes, the common Do(C) through Ti(B) you see in sheet music.

Thanks to the various instruments that emerged after the fall of the Partholons, such as lute, string, woodwind, and brass wind instruments, today's musicians enjoy a more abundant music life.

In this way, the timbre of the music we hear has evolved over time, while each individual instrument's distinct tone has remained unchanged.

Instrumental Timbre

Every instrument has its own unique tone and characteristics that create a unique tone, or timbre. The rate at which a single note is played will also impact the sound an instrument produces.

Therefore the beat, which distinguishes the length of the note, has a great impact on the timbre of an instrument. The beat is typically noted after the scale in sheet music. Whole notes are marked as 1 and sixty-fourth notes are marked as 64.

Selecting an Instrument

The composer must choose the right instrument, and know its range and timbre. The performer must choose correct sheet music for his instrument. In this way, the composer and the performer are undeniably linked.

To aid in your understanding, I explain various instruments in the following section. I hope this will help you choose the right instrument to form a great ensemble.


The Roncadora is a woodwind instrument with two pipes: one that emits a low pitch and the other a high pitch. It's timbre is as unique as its appearance. It's not easy to obtain this instrument, but it's well worth it if you're looking for an exotic sound. The Roncadora plays a range from C of octave 4 to B of octave 6.

Physis Tuba

The Physis Tuba is a large and low pitched brass instrument that requires great lung capacity and strength to play. Traditionally, this is an instrument only Giants can play. Other races have a tendency to overlook this instrument, but one might say that without the Giants, we wouldn't have the rich and steady sound of the Physis Tuba. The Physis Tuba plays a range from C of octave 1 to B of octave 4.

Homophonic Instruments

Small drums, big drums, cymbals, and handbells are all homophonic instruments that can play only one note. They can't be used in solo pieces, but these percussion instruments play an important role in ensembles, since they set the music's rhythm and sometimes fill the notes other instruments can't reach.