- Hamlet Act 1 Scene 1 -

"The Tragic Bard, imprisoned by the Gods in Avon,
has escaped.

Please help stop
the song of despair
echoing throughout Erinn."

- Hamlet Act 1 Scene 2 -

"Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt

I love."

- Hamlet Act 1 Scene 3 -

"A violet in the youth of primy nature, forward, not permanent,
sweet, not lasting, the perfume and suppliance
of a minute. No more."

- Hamlet 1 Act 4 -

"Be not frightened,
oh beloved son.
I am thy father's spirit.

If thou didst ever thy dear father love...
revenge his foul and most unnatural murder!"

- Hamlet Act 1 Scene 5 -

"I shall give thee an item
that contains the truth about Avon."

- Hamlet Act 2 Scene 1 -

"The Prince has finally
gone mad with love.

I will go seek the king.
This is the very ecstasy of love.
This must be known, which being kept close, might move
more grief to hide than hate to utter love."

- Hamlet Act 2 Scene 2 -

"My lord,
I am glad that
we can be of service.

I will have the players

- Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1 -

"To be? Or not to be?
That is the question.

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them?

To die, to sleep.
And by sleep end the heart-ache...
'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished."

- Hamlet 3 Scene 2 -

my offence is rank. It smells to heaven.

What form of prayer
can serve my turn.

O wretched state! O bosom black as death."

- Hamlet Act 3 Scene 3 -

you have my father
much offended.

Come and sit you down. You shall not budge.
You go not til I set you up a glass
where you may see the inmost part of you."

- Hamlet Act 4 Scene 1 -

"It were a wicked plan.
Had I crossed the ocean and stepped foot in England
it would have been there that I breathed my last breath.

I shall return to Denmark.
Change course!"

- Hamlet Act 4 Scene 2 -

"Conscience and grace,
to the profoundest pit! I dare damnation!

I will avenge my father's blood,
even if that means destroying every last bit of my bones.
Where is the king?"

- Hamlet Act 4 Scene 3 -

"Dost thou think Alexander
looked o' this fashion 'i'th earth?

Oh, that earth, which kept the world in awe,
should patch a wall
't expel the winter's flaw!"

- Hamlet Act 5 Scene 1 -

"Your lordship
is right welcome back to Denmark.

Sweet lord, if your lordship were at leisure, I should
impart a thing to you from His Majesty.

His Majesty has proposed
a fencing match between you and Laertes."

- Hamlet Act 5 Scene 2 -

"It is here Hamlet, thou art slain.
No medicine in the world can do thee good.

The treacherous instrument is in thy hand,
unbated and envenomed.
The foul practice hath turned itself on me.

Thy mother's poisoned. I can no more.
The king, the king's to blame."