- Patterns of Power (4) -

Table of Contents

1. True Mastery
2. Conclusion

1. True Mastery

A Glyph is a chorus, each shape a voice coming together to create one glorious whole.

Just as a chorus does not become more beautiful simply by adding more voices or longer songs, a Glyph is not made more potent by adding more symbols or bigger shapes.

A song requires harmony between separate voices. A Glyph must be intricately composed, its color chosen carefully, to enable the Glyph to generate greater power.

There are no tricks. I can offer you no shortcuts. You must simply become proficient.

Every new Glyph is a new revelation, inspiring ever more experimentation, even greater designs. This is the only way to achieve true mastery.

2. Conclusion

As I come to the conclusion of this introductory series, I think it only fitting that I present to you my first ever Glyph, which opened my eyes to a whole new world.