- Patterns of Power (1) -

Table of Contents

1. Stained Glass
2. The Power of Symbols
3. Tools of the Trade
4. Glyph Design
5. Glyph Formulation
6. Glyph Evocation

1. Stained Glass

I have long been enamored of the dazzling patterns cast upon the ground by the sun's rays as they pass through stained glass.

There is nothing so exquisite as that one fleeting moment, just as Palala sets behind the mountains, casting these colors into brilliant focus.

One evening, as the light of Palala was ebbing, the patterns cast by the stained glass gave unto me a revelation.

Where I had previously only seen a unified whole, now I could see the myriad smaller shapes and designs that made up the pattern.

Since then, it has become a great interest of mine to draw little shapes and arrange them together to make a larger image.

Lines, circles, triangles, squares...

What a joy it is to combine these familiar, simple shapes into a pattern that is larger than the sum of its parts.

2. The Power of Symbols

My next breakthrough came when I noticed an unusual energy from a pattern I'd been working on all day.

It was unlike any divine power or magical force I'd ever encountered.

I was unable to determine the principle by which it was created, but after spending many long hours examining the symbol from every angle, I became certain that the energy was being produced by the pattern itself.

Realizing that I'd stumbled upon something quite extraordinary, I decided to call my newly-created pattern a 'Glyph'.

3. Tools of the Trade

The creation of a Glyph requires two specialized tools.

1. A Magic Quill Pen, crafted by purifying a Vital Feather with Golden Herbs and imbuing it with the energy of Mana Herb.

2. Magic Parchment, crafted from Soft Parchment and Sunlight Herb and also imbued with Mana Herb.

4. Glyph Design

While the requisite stationery is rather peculiar, the designing of a Glyph is relatively straightforward.

Clear your mind and draw simple shapes on your Magic Parchment using a Magic Quill Pen. There will be a moment when it almost looks as if the shapes are resonating as one.

At that moment, your design is complete.

This drawing is what I like to call a Glyph Imprint.

5. Glyph Formulation

The magic produced by a Glyph is intriguing, but ultimately directionless on its own. But with the right technique, it can be used in a variety of practical applications.

I call this technique 'Glyph Formulation'.

(While I refer to a Glyph's power as 'magic', make no mistake--the Glyph's power is unlike any conventional magic or divine ritual used in Erinn. In a way, I think it's tied more to the natural world.)

6. Glyph Evocation

A formulated Glyph is like a precious jewel, but one must actually evoke the Glyph's power in order to experience its magic.

Some Glyphs may grant you heightened abilities, while others project their effects onto anyone who enters their range.

(I have witnessed evidence that some Glyphs can even affect monsters.)

These effects are by no means infinite in their powers, but the harmony that arises from your patterns are certain to leave an impression.